Can I Cancel PMI If My Home Value Increases?

Can I Cancel PMI If My Home Value Increases

As part of your mortgage lender’s standard protocol when buying with less than 20% down, they included PMI with your payments as an extra precautionary measure. But now that your home’s value has increased since the purchase date, and so the question arises “Can I cancel PMI when the home value rises and when does PMI expire?”

How eligible your mortgage loan is for PMI cancellation will depend upon factors like its outstanding balance and payment history.

As part of the widespread housing boom, homeowners saw their equity grow substantially. Home values continue to appreciate due to low inventory levels; thus many mortgage holders with significant equity have considerable assets sitting idle.

Now is an opportune moment for many borrowers to determine whether they qualify for PMI cancellation. A higher equity stake can lower perceived mortgage risk and, potentially, hasten its removal; plus PMI costs add thousands over time, so taking steps toward its cancellation quickly may save thousands in housing expenses over the lifetime of your loan.

Let’s examine how PMI works, as well as your options for canceling it.

What is PMI?

Mortgage insurance (MI) serves to safeguard lenders if borrowers stop making their payments on time.

PMI typically becomes necessary when you obtain a conventional loan with less than 20% down, although not necessarily through government programs.

If, for any reason, you are unable to make your mortgage payments and the home is placed in the process of foreclosure, PMI provides coverage against any potential losses for the lender.

Insurance for homeowners that is private generally purchases private mortgage insurance. will cost a monthly amount to assure that they are protected in the event of a loan’s default. Based on the profile of buyers and sellers for 2023 by the National Association of Realtors, first-time home buyers usually make an 8.8% downpayment in the year 2018 the largest amount for more than 25 years before. For returning buyers, the average was 19 percent.

Your experience paying PMI should reassure you. It is an incredibly common occurrence and sometimes paying an additional monthly charge is well worth having the ability to buy before reaching a 20% down payment on a home purchase.

PMI costs typically range between 0.2 percent to 2% of your annual loan amount. This cost could improve or decrease based on the loan-to-value ratio.

What is the loan-to-value ratio?

One of the primary phrases that is associated with PMI is the ratio of value to loan (or LTV for short).

LTV (loan to value ratio) is the ratio between your principal balance to the amount of your mortgage to the price to purchase your house or, if you are suitable. In addition, the lender’s assessment of the risks they are taking with the loan(s) in addition to the likelihood that PMI insurance could be canceled.

If you choose to buy the home at $300,000, after that, you can put up to 14%, or $42,000 as a down. Thus, the total amount of your credit would be $300K. This is minus $22,008, which is equal to $258,000.

Calculating LTV Ratio to determine what’s an LTV ratio, you have to divide $300k by $250,000 to get 86 percent. In percentage form, that amounts to 86 percent. LTV Ratio

How do I know if I qualify to cancel PMI?

You qualify for auto-cancellation with a 78% LTV.

By the rules outlined in the Homeowners Protection Act (PMI Cancellation Act) in 1998 (HPA) homeowners have the right to request that their PMI automatically be canceled whenever the principal balance is 78% of the amount at the time of its initial purchase.

If your home is worth $300,000.0 Then you’d be qualified for automatic cancellation when your mortgage balance exceeds $234,000. (Division of $234,000 by $300000 to get 78% LTV).

Homeowners who wish for automatic withdrawal must remain current on payments for this process to occur, and it does not take into account property upgrades or market appreciation; rather, its basis lies solely on what amount was originally purchased the house for.

You hit 80% LTV and request removal.

HPA allows homeowners to request PMI removal when the principal balance drops below 80% of the original loan value. For instance, a $300K home’s principal balance would drop to $240,000 at which point PMI removal can be requested and removed as quickly as possible.

Reaching 80% LTV earlier is possible by making additional or larger than required payments on your mortgage loan. In addition, setting an alarm notification when reaching this level so you’ll remember to submit a cancellation request with the mortgage servicer as soon as eligible and file a cancellation request with them as soon as you qualify for PMI cancellation is useful in keeping yourself on schedule with reaching that milestone.

You re-appraise your home after it gains value.

Once your equity levels hit 20% or greater in your home, PMI should become eligible to be canceled. Reaching this mark could happen through making timely loan repayment payments according to an amortization schedule, raising property values in your neighborhood, or investing in home improvements.

Imagine again you purchased that lovely home for $300,000. Imagine also that with 42% down or 14% PMI paid at closing you now own it with estimated values rising steadily and have come up to the estimated current worth of $366,000.

Now, your equity in the home stands at $107,000 based on our calculations of taking into account both your $42,000 down payment and $65,000 worth of market appreciation gains as equity gains.

Congratulations on reaching 20% equity. You’ve now nearly reached 30% (106K in equity divided by $36500 value), not including what has been built through mortgage payments!

Just imagine making monthly mortgage payments of $15,000 on time, which reduces your primary mortgage balance from $258,000 to 243,000 and your home value has gone up from 258,000 to 365.000; your new LTV ratio would then fall well under 80%!

On any account, now could be the right time to withdraw PMI coverage.

You eliminate PMI when refinancing your home.

After mortgage rates dipped to historic lows during the second and fourth quarters of 2021, around 14 million mortgages were refinanced between then and October 2023 when rates spiked up to 8.45% before stabilizing around 6.6% later that year. Since then, however, refinancing activity has dramatically declined as mortgage rates rose sharply before stabilizing at approximately 6.6% for much of 2023 and 2024.

Freddie Mac predicts a modest uptick in refinance mortgage originations throughout 2025 and beyond, driven by individuals who bought homes before 2023 when mortgage rates were much higher than they are now. Refinancing may offer little or no benefit for owners with rates under 6%; according to their report.

As part of any refinancing application, lenders typically require an appraisal. If your home’s appraised value shows at least 20% equity, “then once that loan closes it will start without private mortgage insurance”, notes Richie Helali.

Always bear in mind the costs involved with refinancing, such as fees for appraisal services.

You’re midway through your loan’s term.

As per guidance issued by the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB), your lender should terminate PMI coverage when your loan reaches the midpoint of its amortization schedule and you reach the midpoint of its amortization schedule.

Midway through your loan’s term, PMI could be removed even if it hasn’t reached 78% of original value – for instance on a 30-year mortgage this would happen after 15 years have been served by that loan.

What else may be required to cancel PMI?

Written or verbal request

As part of their application for PMI cancellation, borrowers may need to send in written requests directly. It would also be prudent to reach out ahead of time and inquire as to their process for doing so. To assist, contact lenders ahead of time about how best to cancel PMI policies.

Helali advises: “Typically, phone calls to mortgage servicers are recorded and may count as requests to have PMI removed,” so initiating contact via the telephone could serve as the way forward in requesting the removal of PMI coverage. Individual servicer requirements might differ slightly so for maximum effectiveness it would be wise to start the conversation first by speaking directly.

Acceptable payment history

An individual must demonstrate they have made timely mortgage payments to have the PMI canceled, although late payments in recent months could prevent you from doing so.

“A strong payment history usually involves not experiencing a late payment within the past 12 months,” notes Helali. A late payment can typically be defined as more than 30 days late payment.

Reach out directly to your loan servicer for additional details regarding your mortgage requirements.

No secondary liens

Your lender might require proof that no liens, such as unpaid contract work, second mortgages, federal taxes, or HOA dues exist on your property before agreeing to cancel PMI on it.

‘Seasoned’ loan

Your lender may also impose additional requirements to meet before offering PMI removal: payment history/loan tenure requirements known as seasoning criteria (e.g. Fannie Mae requires loans between two to five years must have 75% LTV or lower; loans greater than five years require an LTV of 80%).

“To have your private mortgage insurance eliminated, Helali suggests waiting a minimum of 12 months on your loan before initiating refinancing or switching loans. Once on for this long, lenders should automatically discontinue it when you reach 22% equity in your home.”

However, keep in mind that lenders only drop your PMI when your home loan has reached 22% equity — they do not count market equity towards this figure. Furthermore, depending on how old or new your loan is when getting rid of PMI is dependent upon each lender and servicer so always reach out if in doubt to confirm with them directly.

Proof of home value

If your plan involves equity gains to cancel PMI, simply providing evidence about recent sales and property value increases won’t cut it; for a convincing case to your lender, you will require stronger evidence most likely an official appraisal or broker price opinion (BPO), depending on where your home lies.

Why do I have to wait to cancel PMI?

PMI must remain until after you’ve gained more equity since its purpose is to protect lenders. PMI does not cover you in case of foreclosure until hitting that 20% equity benchmark, all payments for PMI must remain full and make good on them in full.

What about mortgage insurance for FHA loans?

If your loan comes from a government program such as FHA, Mortgage Insurance (MI) may apply and is governed by different rules regarding its removal.

When in doubt about canceling mortgage insurance on any FHA loans obtained after 2013, contact your mortgage servicer to find out the specific details about canceling MI on each type of loan and whether there are options for removal available to them.

Canceling PMI: How much will you save?

Within your overall housing costs which include mortgage payments, homeowners insurance premiums, maintenance bills, and property taxes. PMI may seem inconsequential at first. But its effects quickly add up over time.

Factors such as your LTV and credit score will ultimately dictate how much PMI insurance premium you will need, and any savings by canceling it could add up quickly; but every bit counts! Every bit helps towards spending that savings money elsewhere! Perhaps canceling that monthly fee means more fun things instead!

Do your homework and then contact your mortgage servicer armed with information from this guide. Depending on what is in this book for your situation, this could mean making cancellation requests or inquiring about appraisal schedules; at minimum, it should give an idea of when PMI payments end; it will certainly be something worth celebrating!


Reaching your PMI cancellation goals can feel like an achievement – with just some knowledge and planning! By becoming acquainted with all available cancellation methods and processes, you can determine the most efficient strategy to suit your circumstances. Remember to connect with your mortgage servicer as this may help navigate any special requirements associated with canceling PMI; feel free to inquire about removal options as well as their processes; over time this effort could eliminate PMI payments and free up extra cash monthly!

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